A consultation is first required for all teens to understand the concerns, to confirm the diagnosis, and to evaluate if investigations (ex. a sleep study) are required. After the consultation, education is provided and treatment options are discussed.
These services typically take place over 1-2 appointments*. The presence of a parent and/or caregiver is suggested for these appointments.
*Please note: During the current work-from-home circumstances, all new consultations will be arranged through the administrative staff at Dr. Ooi's other practice location, MedSleep Toronto Sleep Institute. All care is being delivered virtually.
Answer the following questions to discover if chronic insomnia therapy and the DECODE Insomnia Program are a good fit for you.
Disclaimer: This self-assessment tool is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is not a validated tool, and its results should not be considered a definitive diagnosis
Do I have chronic insomnia?
1/Do you have trouble falling asleep (>30 minutes), staying asleep, and/or waking up too early at least 3 times per week?
2/Are these sleep difficulties causing you significant distress or negatively impacting your quality of life (for example, you often feel fatigued during the day, have trouble concentrating, or experience mood swings)?
3/Have you experienced these sleep difficulties for at least three months?
4/Are you fairly certain that your sleep difficulty is not related to another sleep disorders (like sleep apnea or restless legs syndrome), a co-existing medical condition, or substance use?
If you responded yes to all of the above questions, you likely meet criteria for chronic insomnia disorder* and may benefit from chronic treatment. Continue to the following questions to discover if you may benefit from insomnia therapy.
If you responded no to any of questions #1-3, you may benefit from further assessment by a health care professional with expertise in chronic insomnia. If you live in Ontario, Canada, OHIP-covered virtual consultation is available for adults and teens (13+) at the DECODE Insomnia Clinic. Speak to your physician about a referral to our clinic.
If you responded no to question #4, consider speaking to your physician about a referral to a general sleep clinic.
*Please note: these questions do not confirm a diagnosis of chronic insomnia disorder. Please speak to a qualified health care provider to confirm this diagnosis.
A consultation at the DECODE Insomnia Clinic to confirm a diagnosis of chronic insomnia and to establish proper fit for the program (referral required for OHIP-covered consultation)
Attendance at all sessions with the therapist
A commitment to watching the video lessons & completing the homework/sleep logs between sessions
Is cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) a good fit for me?
5/Are your sleep difficulties of significant concern to you?
6/Have you tried general sleep advice including sleep hygiene practices and relaxation strategies without sustained benefit?
7/Are you motivated to learn non-medication strategies for insomnia, make changes in your sleep habits & schedule, actively participate in a structured program, and monitor your sleep with daily logs?
8/Are you open to learning new skills to relax and address thought patterns that are driving insomnia?
If you responded yes to all of the above questions (#5-8), you are likely a good candidate for CBT-I. CBT-I strategies can be learned through individual & group therapy, online CBT-I, books, and apps, however, finding the correct fit is crucial for effective implementation and improvement. Continue to question #9 to learn if the DECODE Insomnia Program is a good fit for you.
If you responded no to any of questions #5-8, you may you may still benefit from further discussion with a health care provider with expertise in the management of chronic insomnia. If you live in Ontario, Canada, OHIP-covered virtual consultation is available for adults and teens(13+) at the DECODE Insomnia Clinic. Speak to your physician about a referral to our clinic.
Is the DECODE Insomnia Program a good fit for me?
9/Are you interested in CBT-I?
10/Is consistent action and habit change challenging for you?
11/Do you require or benefit from personalized support and accountability?
12/Are you in search of a solution for chronic insomnia designed for individuals who are fatigued and juggling multiple responsibilities?
13/Are you able to carve out time for independent action & online learning in between between sessions with a psychotherapist?
14/ In addition to learning relaxation skills and cognitive skills (strategies to better respond to disruptive thoughts driving insomnia), are you interested in learning practices to reduce cognitive/information overload fuelling insomnia?
If you responded yes to all of the above questions, the DECODE Insomnia Program is likely a good fit for you. Learn more about the program here. If you live in Ontario and you are 13 years or older, speak to your physician about a referral to our clinic for a virtual OHIP-covered consultation.
If you responded no to any of questions #9-14, you may benefit from further discussion with a clinician at the DECODE Insomnia Clinic. If you live in Ontario and you are 13 years or older, speak to your physician about a referral to our clinic for a virtual OHIP-covered consultation.